skiing (USA)
demonstration event
gold 1988 Calgary

In the years prior to 1988 she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and told she would never walk again.  As a single mother of 3 she was devastated, but not for long.  Shortly after the tragic news, she took her life into her hands and decided to do things her way.  She learned how to snow ski with specially made poles.  Much to her surprise she was gaining strength faster then anyone expected.  She started to ski for the U.S. disabled ski team and was quickly climbing in the ranks.  She was one of the best.  She was invited to compete in the 1988 winter Olympics.  She had done something few thought possible, she had gained full use of her limbs.  She was stronger then she had ever been both physically and mentally.  On that winter day when she received her gold medal, she knew she wouldn’t be skiing much longer, for her goal wasn’t to win a medal but to walk again.  She retired from skiing knowing that she would be giving up a great deal. , She wanted to be at home with her children, to teach them to never give up and to set high goals.  To this day (06 Jun 2004) she has never been in a wheelchair.  She is a very active member of the Grass Valley Ward in northern California.

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