Madilyn Paige became famous for competing in the NBC television show The Voice, of the sixth season. Since her time on the show, she has released her own EP and singles and gained a solid fan base. Paige, who is from Utah, auditioned for the singing competition show...
Dan Reynolds Imagine Dragons was formed in 2008 and got its real first start when the band won BYU’s 2008 “Battle of the Bands” competition. That same year, the band also won the “Utah Valley University’s Got Talent” competition....
Quarterback Tampa Bay Buccaneers San Francisco 49ers A descendant of Brigham Young, he graduated from BYU. In 1985, he signed with Tampa Bay. In 1987, he was acquired by San Francisco where he played in the shadow of the great Joe Montana,...
Lindsey Stirling: violinist, musician, dancer, performance artist, and composer. She presents choreographed violin performances, both live and in music videos, including on her YouTube channel. In 2007, Stirling introduced her YouTube channel, Lindseystomp, which...
Willard Mitt Romney Republican Governor of Massachusetts (2003-2007) On November 5th, 2002, the election of Mitt Romney—an adherent of a faith shared by less than half of a percent of his fellow Massachusetts residents—demonstrates an increasing acceptance of Mormons...