Tyce and Mary Nielsen, a Latter-day Saint couple from Salt Lake City, Utah, are trapeze artists who are contestants on NBC’s America’s Got Talent. The performing duo, known professionally as Duo Transcend, have made it into the top 10 finalists and will be featured in...
Lydia Oakeson at the age of 11 is a spirited performer who aspires to be a Broadway singer. She currently sings, dances, models, acts, and figure skates. She has her own blog called Lydia Out Loud! where she posts new information about her music, photoshoots, and...
Evie Clair, the 13-year-old singer who has been making headlines since first appearing on NBC’s talent competition show, America’s Got Talent, advanced to the next round after her performance last night of ‘I Try.’ Clair’s performance...
Evie Clair appears to be an early favorite in the latest season of America’s Got Talent, especially after the latest sneak peek of her upcoming performance on the latest episode of the popular NBC talent show. The video ends before the judges determine whether...
Josh Wright is an American pianist who was on season nine of the television show America’s Got Talent. He has been a performer at events and conferences across the country, and has released five albums. Wright began playing the piano when he was just four years...