Studio C, BYUtv’s sketch comedy show, became the network’s crown jewel. The cast members, many of whom have been doing comedy together for a decade, became some of Utah’s most recognizable entertainers. The Studio C YouTube channel has more than 2 million subscribers....
It’s Halloween! Which means that everywhere you turn on the radio or the TV, it’s going to get spooky. So why not have a laugh watching these Halloween-themed Studio C videos to celebrate this day? This article was originally published in Meridian...
We just wrote about James Perry’s awesome new vlog, and it seems he’s been up to more than just vlogging—he recently gave a Ted Talk called, “How I Stumbled on a Purpose.” Just as a reminder, James Perry is a member of the Studio C cast, a...
James Perry is a member Studio C. Most of you have probably heard of them. If you are drawing a blank, here’s a hint: Scott Sterling. Do you remember the viral YouTube video where soccer goalie Scott Sterling keeps getting hit in the head by a soccer ball? If...
Studio C—a group of LDS people who make hilarious, family-friendly videos on YouTube—recently announced that they are recruiting three new cast members who will be writing and appearing regularly in their sketches. Their names are Tori Pence, Aaron Fielding, and...
Studio C, a sketch comedy group dedicated to making funny, family-friendly videos, just posted a new video on May 26th, 2017, and it’s made it onto YouTube’s list of “trending” videos. The video is called “Fairy Godmother Gifts”—a...
Studio C is a sketch comedy TV show that brings laughter to people around the world through its family-friendly humor. The show began in 2012 as an expansion of the Brigham Young University comedy club Divine Comedy. Although many of the actors on the show were part...