The cast members of the former BYUtv sketch comedy show Studio C became some of Utah’s most recognizable entertainers. Although the show was a huge success and became the network’s crown jewel, several members of the original cast commented that Studio C did not...
Studio C, BYUtv’s sketch comedy show, became the network’s crown jewel. The cast members, many of whom have been doing comedy together for a decade, became some of Utah’s most recognizable entertainers. The Studio C YouTube channel has more than 2 million subscribers....
We Love You, Sally Carmichael, a family friendly comedy written by LDS screenwriter Daryn Tufts and directed by Christopher Gorham (The Other Side of Heaven), is making its premiere in Utah Megaplex Theaters tonight. You can find showtimes and buy tickets for it at...
In an interview with KSL, Christoffer Gorham and Daryn Tufts talk about their upcoming film We Love You, Sally Carmichael. They describe it as a family-friendly, independent comedy about a novelist, Simon Hayes, who wrote a young adult fantasy-romance series under the...
James Perry is a member Studio C. Most of you have probably heard of them. If you are drawing a blank, here’s a hint: Scott Sterling. Do you remember the viral YouTube video where soccer goalie Scott Sterling keeps getting hit in the head by a soccer ball? If...
Studio C—a group of LDS people who make hilarious, family-friendly videos on YouTube—recently announced that they are recruiting three new cast members who will be writing and appearing regularly in their sketches. Their names are Tori Pence, Aaron Fielding, and...