We Love You, Sally Carmichael, a family friendly comedy written by LDS screenwriter Daryn Tufts and directed by Christopher Gorham (The Other Side of Heaven), is making its premiere in Utah Megaplex Theaters tonight. You can find showtimes and buy tickets for it at...
In an interview with KSL, Christoffer Gorham and Daryn Tufts talk about their upcoming film We Love You, Sally Carmichael. They describe it as a family-friendly, independent comedy about a novelist, Simon Hayes, who wrote a young adult fantasy-romance series under the...
The film Love, Kennedy just aired today—Friday, June 2nd, 2017. The film is based on the true story of Kennedy Hansen, a kind, loving high schooler who came down with a rare terminal illness called Batten Disease. Kennedy had been energetic and friendly before coming...
On her LinkedIn page, Sally Meyer writes that she is “an award winning screenwriter and producer of short and feature films.” She explains that she learned to write by reading scripts and books on how to write scripts. She adds, “I live for the rush...
Ali Barr is an award-winning LDS director and producer. According to her introduction on LinkedIn, she got her start in film when her children became actors and they began working on films together. She has received many awards for her films. For example, her film...