The Mormon Presence in Congress

The Mormon Presence in Congress

Mitt Romney, a devout member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is perhaps one of the most renowned Mormon politicians. Although he lost the presidential election, the presence of Mormons in Congress is still rather substantial. When Congress...
Mormon Jabari Parker: Will He Serve a Mission?

Mormon Jabari Parker: Will He Serve a Mission?

Jabari Parker, a senior at Simeon High School in Chicago, is a devout member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is considered one of the top basketball recruits in the nation, in fact, he is the No. 1 ranked senior, and he is currently considering...
Harry Reid

Harry Reid

By Roy Harry Mason Reid was born on December 2, 1939, in Searchlight, Nevada. He is one of the most well-known Mormon senators and is oft-quoted by many aspiring leaders and politicians because of his achievements. Harry Reid is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ...
Mormons Say Polygamy Morally Wrong

Mormons Say Polygamy Morally Wrong

By Amy Choate-Nielsen Deseret News Published: Sunday, Jan. 15, 2012 7:00 p.m. MST David Letterman knows how to get a laugh.Like most comics, he riffs on the day’s news, deadpans the camera and revels in audacity.”Oh, did you hear about this?” the...
Mormons’ Focus on Marriage & Family Highlighted in Pew Survey

Mormons’ Focus on Marriage & Family Highlighted in Pew Survey

SMITHFIELD — After dinner, three baths, four bedtime stories and a half-a-dozen goodnight kisses for 2-year-old twins Brock and Isaac and 6-year-old Ellie, Erin and Brian Thompson finally sink into the couch with weary smiles. Being parents is just what they always...
Pew Study on Mormons in America

Pew Study on Mormons in America

As the “Mormon moment” extends into 2012, the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life today released a groundbreaking new survey, the first ever published by a non-LDS research organization to focus exclusively on members of The Church of Jesus...
Donny Speaks on Same Sex Marriage

Donny Speaks on Same Sex Marriage

Famous Mormon entertainer Donny Osmond recently addressed a question on his website  He was asked how he reacts to friends in same sex relationships who consider themselves married. Despite the controversy, boycotts, threats, vandalism of LDS buildings, and...
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer’s book “Twilight” turned movie is setting records at the box office.  Since it’s release date on November 21st, it has made $151,533,441 as of December 16, 2008 – not bad for a movie with a production budget of $37 million.   So far it is the highest...

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