Troy Dunn, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is a 54-year-old American television personality, producer, and public speaker who specializes in creating and producing television that generally includes reuniting people with long lost loved...
Ever watched “The Great American Baking Show?” The show is in its third season this December, premiering December 7th and airing every Thursday until the end of the holiday. So tune in this Thursday and the next to watch the magic happen on ABC! It’s...
Evie Clair, the 13-year-old singer who has been making headlines since first appearing on NBC’s talent competition show, America’s Got Talent, advanced to the next round after her performance last night of ‘I Try.’ Clair’s performance...
The Monday, July 17 episode of American Ninja Warrior featured six of the seven siblings in the Souter family from Sandy, Utah. Only one of the siblings, Ryan, was able to advance to the next round. The second to last obstacle was tricky, though, and caused him to...
David Sparks and David Kiley are more better known as “Heavy D” and “Diesel Dave” on Discovery Channel’s TV show Diesel Brothers, which features the two friends and their business, DieselSellerz, as they do custom vehicle builds, stunts...
After an announcement that American Idol, the popular singing competition show, would be moving to ABC after it’s 15th season on Fox, fans have been eagerly awaiting announcements of where auditions will be held. The show announced that a round of auditions for...
When John Peter Lewis was 23, he cashed in his college loan money to take a big risk—he auditioned for American Idol, a reality television program that helps to “discover” pop music stars. Although Simon Cowell and Rolling Stones Magazine predicted that he would win,...