Stand-up comedian Ryan Hamilton, an Idaho native and BYU alum, is featured in a new Netflix comedy special, “Happy Face,” available on Netflix today. Hamilton will be featured as one of several comedians in the Netflix series, “The Standups.” Hamilton is unusual in...
Romance is defined as “a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love” by Google and “one’s deep and strong emotional desires to connect with another person intimately” by Wikipedia. In other words, romance demands yearning for something not yet...
Some people may recognize Nicholeen Peck as an author. Some may remember her as one of the “World’s Strictest Parents” on the BBC documentary. Some may know her from her website “Teaching Self Government.” But all of these accomplishments began with a simple desire to...
On May 23, 2013, the New York Times published an article called, “When Hollywood Wants Good, Clean Fun, it Goes to Mormon Country.” Online, the article is five pages. It deals with the Brigham Young University animation program, which consistently feeds talent into...
Mormon Jon Huntsman Jr. dropped out of the 2012 presidential race fairly early, something he seemed to expect. He had departed his post as U.S. Ambassador to China in order to run for the presidency, but he was only getting his feet wet, getting his name out to...
Stilman White is a champion college basketball player who has chosen to interrupt his education and athletic prowess at the University of North Carolina to serve a two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often mistakenly called the...
A December 2012 article in the Deseret News tells how hockey star Brad Mills gave up alcohol and followed in the footsteps of his father by converting to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often called the “Mormon Church.” Mills found that...
Steve Young is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Days, sometimes called the “Mormon Church.” He has been one of the best and most famous quarterbacks ever to play in the NFL. Steve was named MVP of the NFL in 1992 and 1994, the MVP of...