The R.M.: Special Edition From director Kurt Hale comes this genial Mormon comedy chronicling the travails of Jared Phelps (Kirby Heyborne), a young missionary returning home to Utah after his two-year stint in Wyoming. Expecting to pick up where he left off and to...
Emma Smith: My Story As her adopted daughter listens, an aging Emma Smith (Katherine Thompson) reflects on her rich life, particularly the events that led to her courtship and marriage to Joseph Smith (Nathan Mitchell), founder of the Mormon Church. From her childhood...
American Experience: The Mormons Documentarian Helen Whitney directs this fascinating PBS presentation exploring the history and influence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one of the fastest-growing religions in the United States whose reach extends...
American Mormon In the spirit of the classic Mormon movie From the Mouths of Babes, filmmakers Daryn Tufts and Jed Knudsen prod the minds of everyday men and women on the street, asking them to share their perceptions — and misconceptions — about Mormons....
My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend written by Daryn Tufts, a Mormon, and also the director of An American Mormon in Europe. My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend also received positive critical reviews from several local critics, including The...
Forever Strong Rick (Sean Faris) is a star player on his dad’s rugby team until a DUI lands him in a reformatory. While he’s serving his sentence, tough rival coach Larry Gelwix (Gary Cole) allows him to play for his team, which helps Rick straighten up...