Brian David “Emmanuel” Mitchell Kidnapper In 2002, Mitchell was a homeless man who worked a few days for a man named Ed Smart. One night he returned to the Smart home and kidnapped fourteen-year-old Elizabeth from her bedroom. Elizabeth’s sister...
Glenn Taylor Helzer Serial Killer He, his brother Justin; and their roommate, Dawn Godman, killed five people in the San Francisco area during the summer of 2003. They conspired to fund a self-awareness program to bring “joy, peace and love” to the world...
Ronald Lee Haskell On July 9, 2014, a mass shooting occurred in a home located in the town of Spring, Texas, a suburb of Houston, leaving six family members dead, four of them children, and a 15-year-old girl the sole survivor. The suspected shooter, later identified...
Mark Hacking Mark Hacking reported his wife missing on 19 Jul 2004. She was five weeks pregnant. Two weeks later, he was arrested when police found a witness to whom Mark had confessed that he had killed his wife in her sleep and dumped her body in the trash. Her body...
Born Robert LeRoy Parker in Beaver, Utah on April 13, 1866, Cassidy was the first of 13 children. His Mormon parents had come to Utah from England in 1856. His first run-in with the law occurred after he let himself into a closed shop, took a pair of jeans, and left a...
Ted Bundy He was attractive, smart, and had a future in politics. He was also one of the most prolific serial killers in U.S. history. Ted Bundy screamed his innocence until his death in the electric chair became imminent, then he tried to use his victims one more...