Jason Lyle Black, also known as “The Backwards Piano Man,” is a talented pianist-entertainer who mixes comedy with piano playing in his shows. He appeared on Ellen in 2011 where he captivated the audience with his amazing upside down, crisscrossed, and...
Hanna Eyre’s blind audition on The Voice was posted on YouTube on March 13th, 2017. She chose to sing “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift. She captivated the audience, along with three of the judges, namely Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, and Gwen Stefani, who...
Adorable Claire Ryan just made another appearance on Ellen a couple of days ago where she talks about hurting her leg, rescuing a “boy ladybug,” her secret hideaway, and giving away her snowglobes to a children’s hospital. Then she performs...
Famous LDS dancing violinist and YouTube star Lindsey Stirling just released a brand new trailer for her upcoming film Brave Enough that documents her personal journey throughout the creation of her latest album. In the description beneath the YouTube trailer, Lindsey...
Paul Cardall’s Music Paul Layton Cardall, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS or “Mormon”) is an inspirational pianist and composer whose music has sailed to the top of the Billboards on multiple occasions without any...
Kyle Van Noy is an outside linebacker for the New England Patriots, an American Football team. His wife, Marissa Powell, is a former Miss Utah and came in third runner-up in the 2013 Miss USA pageant. Together, the couple founded the Van Noy Valor Foundation, which...
Books Ally Condie (a.k.a. Allyson Braithwaite Condie) is a bestselling author who also happens to be a Mormon (LDS). She wrote the Matched trilogy, a dystopian young adult series that made it to the New York Times Best Seller list. Ally’s writing style in...
Devin Graham is a professional YouTube videographer and the creator of the popular YouTube channel DevinSuperTramp, which boasts over 4.5 million subscribers. His videos are aways very original and entertaining, often involving extreme sports like parkour and video...
Al Fox Carraway, the “Tattooed Mormon” Al Fox Carraway is an LDS convert who is famous for her public speaking, inspirational story, and is the author of the book More than the Tattooed Mormon. Originally from New York, Carraway now lives in Utah with her...
Nathan Pacheco Nathan Pacheco is singer/songwriter known for his classical voice and incredibly wide range. His talent has allowed him to record multiple albums and tour around the world performing with world-renowned artists. Pacheco rose to fame in 2009 when he was...
Jeremy’s unique perspective on life as a Mormon enabled him to accept the end of his career with grace and optimism. Jeremy Guthrie, a native Oregonian and a proud Japanese-American, served an LDS proselyting mission in Spain. He said serving a Mormon mission...
Meet “Due West” In 3 Directions By Delisa Hargrove. Yes, I’m from Texas, but anyone who knows me at all knows that I’m not into country music (at all)…but, hey, I like the sound of this band! So, here’s some quick info on Due West. Due West began in 2004 and is...
In the last two years, Dawn Meehan has checked one thing off her bucket list. And she checked it off twice. She played on CBS’s “Survivor,” first in South Pacific and then Caramoan. For the South Jordan, Utah, wife and mother of 6 adopted kids, this was a...
Fathers play an important role in our lives. They watch over us, guide us, teach us and protect us. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—sometimes inadvertently called the Mormon Church— leaders have taught: By divine design, fathers are to preside over...
Eric Weddle wears many hats—husband, father, NFL safety for the San Diego Chargers, University of Utah alum and Mormon. He is also the subject of a book about his life titled “No Excuses, No Regrets: The Eric Weddle Story,” by Trent Toone. (This article is based on an...
According to a recent Deseret News article titled ‘Ten Commandments’ exhibit to commorate Friberg’s 100th birthday by Tren Toone, artist Arnold Friberg is well-known for his 15 pre-visualization paintings used to promote the epic movie “The Ten...
Elimination from NBC’s “The Voice” isn’t the end of the road for Ryan Innes, Jon Peter Lewis, Ryan Hayes and Amy Whitcomb—all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sometimes inadvertently called the Mormon Church—it’s just the beginning,...
The Pew Foundation survey of Mormons released this past week confirms that U.S. Mormons are more conservative (66 percent) compared to the general public (37 percent), and on most issues, they closely track white evangelicals. But immigration is one issue that sets...