Donna Dewberry Painter She is a self-taught artist from Florida. She is recognized throughout America, Europe and Asia as the innovative creator of the ONE Stroke painting technique. She shares her techniques with others through a television show available on PBS. ...
Brian Crane Brian Crane’s daily comic strip “Pickles” was syndicated in April 1990 and the Sunday version was launched the following year. In 1995, PICKLES was nominated for “best comic strip of the year” by the National Cartoonists...
Kim Corpany Kim Corpany grew up on the backs of her family’s horses in Morgan, Utah. Her mother is an artist and art teacher, so to keep Kim out of trouble and quiet in church and other meetings she would give her daughter pencils and paper to draw on. Kim...
Richard Comely Comic Artist Captain Canuck creator Captain Canuck was “born” in 1971 when art student Ron Leishman met Richard Comely. They soon became friends and both being artists, Ron suggested the idea of doing a Canadian superhero comic book series....
Earl Bascom Sculptor and Professional Cowboy In life he followed faithfully his own philosophy, “If you want to be a champion bullrider, you have to ride the toughest bull.” He was born in Utah and raised in Alberta. He started rodeo in 1916 at the age of ten. He was...
Michael Allred Comic Artist “Zane” Michael Allred has done many things in life. So much, in fact, that some might call him a “Renaissance man”. A quick look at his resume reveals work as an artist, writer, film-maker, actor, musician, producer...