Kim Peek mega-savant 1951-2009 Kim Peek, inspired the 1988 movie “Rain Man,” Peek, Died when he was 58, He was likely the world’s most famous savant, enduring mental handicaps while at the same time possessing extraordinary gifts of memory and...
Sandy Petersen computer game designer He is a member of the Gaming Hall of Fame (1990), and was involved in the production of such award winning game titles as Civilization,Doom, Doom 2, Quake, Rise of Rome, Age of Kings, The Conquerors, Age of Empires 3, and The War...
Drew Major computer software engineer He helped develop the original NetWare, and has played an integral role in designing and developing every release of the Network Operating System which seems to be everywhere. In 2000, Drew was inducted into the Computer Hall of...
Robert G. Freeman Oracle Consultant Robert is a Principal Engineer and Team Manager at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He is the author of eleven popular Oracle books including the best selling Oracle RMAN Backup and Recovery series and the Oracle...
Bernard Daines Creator of new and innovative cluster computing solutions In 1999 Time magazine did an article on the 100 people most likely to influence the next century and included Bernard on the list. Daines is widely recognized as instrumental in pioneering ...
Edwin Catmull computer animation Computer animation pioneer; co-founder of Pixar From CNN A COMPANY like Pixar wasn’t what Ed Catmull had in mind when he first hatched his plan to use computers to make animated films. But in hindsight, this company...