NBC’s reality show, World of Dance, is off to a grand start for its second season as three dynamic acts from Utah County gracefully dance their way across the stage and into the hearts of the judges, studio audience, and television viewers. The three acts include...
Heather Theurer has been a painter since she was a little girl. She said “I’m going to grow up to be a famous artist someday… Art was in my blood.” She spent every second she could perfecting her talent and eventually she opened up her own...
The story of Emma Smith has been told many different times. Most stories reflect on her life as she is growing up and living through all the persecution that came from having Joseph Smith be the prophet of the Restoration. But not many stories reflect on...
Sarah Sellers, a native of Ogden, Utah, and a graduate of Weber State University, made headline news and caused heads to turn in the running world when she accomplished what was deemed improbable. On Monday, 16 April 2018, the 26-year-old Banner-University Medical...
The Aces are an all-girl band that started in Provo, Utah. They made their late-night debut on May 17, 2018, on NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers. They sang “The Last One” a song from their new album “When My Heart Felt Volcanic.” After...
In November 2013, Seth Adam Smith wrote a blog post that quickly went viral. The original post was read over 40 million times, published into 20 different languages, and made into a gift book. The initial fame of the article died down for a few years but has been...